Monday, March 29, 2010

Cherry Blossoms are Here

Well, it looks like that annual spring rite is underway in Washington, D.C. According to the Bloom Watch, the peak blooming dates are April 1 and 2, but I was down at the Tidal Basin yesterday, and the trees are resplendent in white and pink blossoms.  In the picture on the right, you can just make out the Jefferson Memorial behind all of the flowers. 

I have to admit that, like most people who live in D.C., I think the trees are absolutely lovely, but I find the way they take over the city for two weeks every spring to be pretty frustrating.  People and tour buses just swarm all over the area between the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, and Jefferson Memorial, which makes it really hard to get around that area.  Really, they're just trees, and it's hard to understand how a bunch of trees can have such a crippling effect on a city.

But I supposed that's one of the liabilties of living here.  At the end of the day, it's great that people can--and do--enjoy and appreciate the beauty of D.C. and its famed cherry blossoms. 


  1. Although I have never seen them in person, they are absolutely lovely. It would make me a little crazy, though, if I couldn't get from Point A to Point B because of them.

  2. Yeah, they're just trees because you get to see them all the time. What a treat it must be to have that access to such divine beauty. Oooowee, and look at the cherry wreath you have posted...hummm, on $50 bucks. Not bad. Anyway, just poking my head in to see what you're up to as your new follower. It's an interesting site, baby shoes, button...I'm lovin' it here. Great blog!!!

  3. You live in DC?! I have always wanted to go there! The Cherry Blossoms DO look gorgeous!
