Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I Am Loved

Since my most recent (and hopefully final!) trip to Indianapolis was a little longer than other trips, Mr. Bullet spent the week with my parents rather than at the Big K (our euphemism for the kennel).  I thought it would be a nice vacation for him because he's stayed with them before and--for as truly neurotic as he is--he travels beautifully.  Plus my parents have a big back yard, and he loves to be outside.

Not so much this time.

It turns out that he hung out under my bed the whole week--they couldn't even lure him out to eat or do his business.  And, he apparently collected all of my shoes from my bedroom, dragged them under the bed with him, and made a little nest for himself.  Doesn't sound terribly comfortable, but I'm glad he was able to find a way to feel close to me.  And I have to admit that it's pretty darn adorable.  When I saw all of those shoes under the bed, my heart melted.

Needless to say, we were both so happy to see each other, but I get the sense that Bullet will be the first one in the car to drive back to D.C. this morning.

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